Creekside Middle School Coin Wars
The Assistant Principal and Advisor to Student Council, Michelle Martin, has been coordinating Coin Wars for the past 6-7 years for grades 6th-8th. The school classrooms compete against each other to earn not only the most money but the most points. Each classroom is provided a jug to deposit coins where a point is earned for the value of each coin. For example, a nickel would earn 5 points, a dime 10 points, and so on. For every cash dollar deposited into the jar, say $1.00, a 100 points would be deducted from the class jar. The winning class is recognized at a school assembly and the students are taken on a field trip to shop for toys to be donated to Christmas Clearing House. On average, approximately $1,500-$2,000 is raised each year from the Coin Wars efforts.